Jawhead Skills & Abilities

Passive: Mecha Suppression, Each time you deal damage to a target, you inflict, it with a stack of Compression for 3s (up to 10 stack). Each stack of Compression increases the amount of basic attack damage Jawhead deals to the target by 8%.

Skill 1: Smart Missiles, Body-mounted missiles enter launch state for 5s, randomly firing up to 12 missiles at nearby targets. Each attack deals 80(+20% Total Physical Attack) physical damage.

Skill 2: Ejector, Tap to enter the Ejector state, granting increased speed and shield that absorbs up to 200(+100% Total Physical Attack) damage, then tap again to throw your closest target to a designated location, dealing 300(+80% Total Physical Attack) physical damage and briefly stunning the target and enemies in the area they land. (Prioritizes heroes. Can be used on teammates, but they won’t take damage.)

Ulti: Unstoppable Force, Locks onto an enemy hero, charging into them and stunning them briefly while knocking back enemy units around the target. Deals 400(+100% Total Physical Attack) physical damage to the initial target and the units surrounding them.


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