Mobile Legends Telegram Group/Community

Due to the crazy popularity with the Whatsapp groups, the chat community for mobile legends have become very segmented. Hence, we are introducing a telegram group capable for a lot more users!

You are encouraged to move from Whatsapp to Telegram chat.

Here is the link to the Mobile Legends Telegram group or community:

Use the following to invite others into this awesome community!
New Telegram Chat:

Advantages of having this group: Easier to manage, more people can communicate (no need to join so many groups)

We are still building up the membership base in our group! Join now, and start chatting away, playing Mobile Legends together.

We are not affiliated with Mobile Legends in any way.

Use our new forums:


  1. terkadang kita sebagai Player mobil legends tidak mengetahui tujuan utama dari game tersebut

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